Monday, 28 July 2014

Beef Chow Mein {low FODMAP}

A weekly favourite in my home is this recipe for Beef Chow Mein. Always on the hunt for different ways to use mince in a more creative way I adapted the Asian classic to become low FODMAP and super easy and affordable to make.  A cross between a stir fry and spaghetti, it can be on the table within 20min and is definitely a crowd pleaser. (Also incredible as leftovers for lunch the next day if you're lucky!)

Serves 4

500g beef mince
1 tab garlic oil
1 cup Massel's beef stock*
1 tab gluten free plain flour
cracked peper
1 carrot, diced
3/4 capsicum, diced
2 sticks celery, diced
440g rice noodles
2 tab soy sauce
3 tab oyster sauce
100g baby spinach

Heat garlic oil in wok or fry pan and brown mince. Sprinkle flour over mince to coat and add carrot. Pour over beef stock and crack a generous amount of black pepper. Reduce heat and simmer for approximately 10min to reduce and thicken sauce.

Once reduced add capsicum, celery and rice noodles. Pour over soy and oyster sauce and mix until well combined.

Fold in spinach so it wilts down among the noodles. Serve immediately.

*In Australia Massel 7s Beef and Chicken Stock Cubes are one of the only stock cubes made without onion or garlic (FODMAP nasties).  Many stock cubes have 'dehydrated vegetables' listed on the ingredients, which almost always contains onion and/or garlic. Massel did actually move to change their ingredients a number of years ago, but with a loud plead from the low FODMAP community they agreed to revert Massel 7s to including no onion in their stock cubes. Yay Massel! They are cheap as chips at around 75c for a pack of 7, and a great standby for many recipes. 

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